Fingerplays and Songs for Child Care

Wondering where to find the words and actions to your favorite children's songs, rhymes, and fingerplays? You can find lots of great ideas here.

  • Click the View List tab and you will get a listing of all titles in alphabetical order.
  • Click the View Single tab and you will get more details on a specific fingerplay, song, or rhyme.
  • Click the Search tab and you will be able to look for specific fingerplays, songs, and rhymes by title or type.

Type of Activity:

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Title: Little Turtle Who Lived in a Box
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Little_Turtle_Who_Lived_in_a_Box.pdf

Title: London Bridge
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document London_Bridge.pdf

Title: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Mary Had a Little Lamb.pdf

Title: Mary, Mary
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Mary Mary.pdf

Title: Miss Mary Mac
Type of Activity: Song
Activity File: PDF document Miss Mary Mac.pdf

Title: Mother's Knives and Forks
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document Mothers_Knives_and_Forks.pdf

Title: My Fingers
Type of Activity: Fingerplay
Activity File: PDF document My_Fingers.pdf

Title: My Hands In My Lap
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document My_Hands_in_my_Lap.pdf

Title: Now I Play My Little Horn
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Now_I_Play_My_Little_Horn.pdf

Title: Now Tall, Now Small
Type of Activity: Rhyme/Poem
Activity File: PDF document Now_Tall_Now_Small.pdf

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