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Healthy Environments in Early Care and Education
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Family and Consumer Sciences
Healthy Environments
Keep Me Lead Free!
Back to course 'Healthy Environments in Early Care and Education'
Keep Me Lead Free!
This module is designed to inform you about the dangers of lead poisoning, help you identify potential sources of lead in your child care/ECE environment, and discover steps you can take to reduce lead exposure in your child care/ECE setting.
Lead Pre-Test
Before you begin this module, take the
Lead Pre-Test
Section 1: What Is Lead?
Not available unless: The activity
Lead Pre-Test
is marked complete
Section 2: Dangers of Lead
Not available unless: The activity
Lead Pre-Test
is marked complete
Section 3: Preventing and Treating Lead Exposure
Not available unless: The activity
Lead Pre-Test
is marked complete
Lead Post-Test
Not available unless: The activity
Lead Pre-Test
is marked complete